About Us

We are a multidisciplinary team working with teachers, young children, and parents involved in the Early Head Start and Head Start programs (EHS and HS) across the Charleston County area. The EHS/HS Consult program provides a step-wise level of care — all children and classrooms are initially assessed, and then proceed through the following steps as needed:
Teacher partnership and classroom-wide intervention
Child-specific classroom intervention
Parent consultation
Provision of, or referral to, child and family therapy
We perform structured classroom observations and evaluations using a multi-dimensional assessment approach; work with classroom teachers to develop and implement classroom-wide interventions; provide parent consultation; determine appropriateness of additional child and family therapy (e.g., parent training, child maltreatment prevention), and provide such services as appropriate.
We have an understanding of systemic issues within Head Start and the public school mental health system, collaborate with Head Start staff regarding program development, develop expertise in interdisciplinary management of high-risk children and families, learn about child maltreatment prevention, and develop and collaborate in related clinical research.
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Check out new webinars added under adverse childhood events for new resources for caregivers and teachers!
Meet Our Team!

Grace Hubel is a clinical psychologist who works with children and families. She is a faculty member at the College of Charleston, where she teaches courses on child psychology, adverse childhood experiences, child development, developmental disabilities, and conducting research in community settings. She studies the prevention of adverse childhood experiences and promotion of nurturing early care environments for young children. She also works in collaboration with her colleagues at the Medical University of South Carolina to deliver intervention that can help families and communities create environments that promote children’s health and well-being and their ability to grow to be healthy, happy, and productive adults.

Angela Moreland, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center (NCVC) at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). Dr. Moreland’s research interests focus on primary and secondary prevention of child abuse and risk factors for maltreatment among parents of young children (i.e., substance use, teen pregnancy); as well as dissemination and implementation of evidence-based practice for victims of interpersonal violence and their families. Dr. Moreland also examines the link between early victimization and high-risk behaviors, such as substance use and delinquency, among children and adolescents. Dr. Moreland is the Director of the Head Start Mental Health Consultation and Treatment Program through MUSC, which serves young children and their families throughout the Charleston area. Dr. Moreland specializes in mental health and risk factors for negative outcomes among very young children. Finally, she currently serves as the Director of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy training in the Department of Psychiatry Residency Training Program; supervises interns and postdoctoral fellows in clinical cases through the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center; and carries her own caseload of children, adolescents, and adults presenting with a range of mental health concerns.