Games and Activities for Social-Emotional Learning
Watch Inside Out to talk about different emotions and why they are all important
Watch Turning Red to start a conversation about anger, how we can tell when we are mad, and how we can cope with emotions
Watch Zootopia to talk about accepting differences
Blow bubbles together to practice taking deep breaths. See who can blow the biggest bubble!
Practice deep breathing by making a pinwheel and seeing how fast you can spin it!
Watch Daniel Tiger and visit their website play themed games to identify emotions
Play charades and act out different emotions and have your child guess the emotion
Play "Simon Says" to practice listening skills
Play "Move like a Turtle" to practice slowing down and controlling your body
Play "I Spy" to practice mindfulness skills
Play "Red Light, Green Light" to practice listening skills
Play Pictionary and draw different emotions and have your child guess the emotion
Read "All About Feelings" by Felicity Brooks
Keep an Emotion Chart in the home and practice pointing to it to talk about how you are feeling
Read "Tucker Turtle Takes Time to Tuck and Think" to teach strategies for managing impulses
Sing the "Tucker Turtle" song
Read the "Our Feelings" poem together and post it in your home